Our goal is to adapt Youth Protection Services and certain Youth Criminal Justice Services in Eeyou Istchee to Cree culture, values, needs and realities.

Vos idées nous aideront mieux comprendre les causes fondamentales du problème, comment renforcer les efforts collectifs, restaurer et remodeler la façon dont nos communautés et le CCSSSBJ s’occupent de tous nos enfants.​


Waskaganish CMC

Waskaganish CMC Waskaganish,Canada

Waskaganish CMC

Inauguration of Cree Youth Protection Commission (Mistissini + Livestream)

Neoskweskau Sports Complex Mistissini

The aah chishtipistihch awaash-uschiniichisiu sikischaayimuwiniyiu (Cree Youth Protection Commission) is a Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB) landmark project. Along with our community partners, our goal is to adapt our Youth Protection Services to Cree culture, values, needs and realities.